Webinar on the best methods of financing young people in the Indian agriculture sector
The educational webinar “Top Ways of Financing Youth in Indian Agriculture Sector” was conducted by Vasanthi Rajendran ,PhD, member of the scientific council of “Rajivgandi National Institute of Youth Development” and V. Deshpande ,PhD, former director of the Institute of Rural Development Bankers and hosein shahbaz ,PhD, head of internastional affairs of SFIDA.

According to the report of public relations and international affairs of SFIDA, webinar was held on June 27, 2022 before managers of SFIDA, managing directors of support the development of the agricultural sector at the provincial and specialized-product (national) levels, Planning Research Institute, Agricultural Economics and Rural Development.
In these presentations, along with how to provide financial resources for agricultural and rural activities and the government’s support for rural and agricultural activities, introducing the “National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD) of India” which is the most important bank regarding the agricultural and rural development of India was discussed.
It is an excellent regulatory for general regulation and monitoring of the functioning of regional rural banks and cooperative banks in India.
Below is the presentation file of Mr. D. V. Deshpande: