Establishing Andimeshk Agricultural Development Support Fund
Andimeshk Agricultural Development Support Fund established on 22 June 2021 in Khuzistan province.

Founding meeting of Andimeshk Agricultural Development Support Fund with the presence of Dariush Arabi, Director of Assemblies and representatives of the SFIDA, representatives of Khuzestan Agriculture Jahad Organization, CEO of Khuzestan Agricultural Development Support Fund , the district governors of the city, the Friday prayer leader of the city and a number of other local officials and all shareholders with an initial capital, about 20 billion Rials and 120 shareholders was conducted on June 22, 2021 and it officially started operation.
This Fund is the 163rd Fund to support the development of the agricultural sector in the country, the 8th Fund in Khuzestan province and the 7th city Fund in this province and the 19th city Fund in the country. In this general assembly, the founding members of the board of directors and the inspector were elected and its articles of association and operational regulations were approved.