MOU of SFIDA with the Vice-President for Science and Technology
The executive instructions of the memorandum with the Vice-President for Science and Technology issued by Dr. Janali Behzadnasb, CEO and chair of SFIDA.

Referring to the memorandum of cooperation signed with the Vice-President for Science and Technology (, Center for Strategic Technologies Development and Biotechnology Development Headquarters, the executive instructions of this memorandum issued by Dr. Janali Behzadnasb, CEO and chair of SFIDA to the heads of the provincial agriculture Jahad organizations and the representatives of SFIDA at provincial Funds.
The instruction emphasized the objectives of the memorandum to help knowledge and technology development in agriculture by using the capacity of the funds to support the development of the agricultural sector as well as the support of knowledge-based companies active in the agricultural sector.
In this notification, it is emphasized that the board of directors of the funds provide the maximum use of the capacities of this memorandum and the relevant instructions in the funds and send regular periodic reports to SFIDA in quarterly stages of work progress. A copy of memorandum is available in local language webpage.