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The educational webinar "Top Ways of Financing Youth in Indian Agriculture Sector" was conducted by Vasanthi Rajendran ,PhD, member of the scientific council of "Rajivgandi National Institute of Youth Development" and V. Deshpande ,PhD, former director of the Institute of Rural Development Bankers and hosein shahbaz ,PhD, head of internastional affairs of SFIDA.
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According to the report of public relations and international affairs of SFIDA, webinar was held on June 27, 2022 before managers of SFIDA, managing directors of support the development of the agricultural sector at the provincial and specialized-product (national) levels, Planning Research Institute, Agricultural Economics and Rural Development.

In these presentations, along with how to provide financial resources for agricultural and rural activities and the government’s support for rural and agricultural activities, introducing the “National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD) of India” which is the most important bank regarding the agricultural and rural development of India was discussed.

It is an excellent regulatory for general regulation and monitoring of the functioning of regional rural banks and cooperative banks in India.

Below is the presentation file of Mr. D. V. Deshpande:


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CEO of SFIDA announced the support of SFIDA for Knowledge-Based Agriculture.
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To address the message of Supreme leader, Ayat-ul allah Kahmenei’s for the new year, SFIDA welcomes the new ideas on agriculture development.
The CEO and chair of SFIDA highlighted that SFIDA is planning and taking the necessary measures to use the capacity of the company’s memorandum of cooperation signed with the Vice President for Science and Technology in the field of knowledge-based companies in order to support agri-businesses, especially knowledge-based activities. He called for ideas on knowledge-based targeting support for contract farming, support for the completion of value and production chains in the agriculture sector, and the strengthening and expansion of investment, especially in the agro-based industries. For more details please brows the following link
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Call for new Ideas on Agriculture Development by Ministry of Agriculture Jahad, I.R. of Iran
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On the occasion on Supreme leader, Ayat-ul allah Kahmenei’s message for the new year, the Ministry of Agriculture-Jahad calls for new ideas  on developing the agriculture and addressing the problems and challenges of this sector. The ministry invites the scientists, experts and professionals especially from the knowledge-based companies to provide their proposals on the new technologies and ideas for this sector. For more details please brows the following link


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"Happy to you and your families of this year's Nowruz and the spring of nature, which begins with the virtuous month of Sha'ban, and will continue with the dawn of the month of Ramadan Al-Karim."
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I am very pleased to say that in 1400, as in previous years, with the valuable efforts of my colleagues at SFIDA the comprehensive development of funds to support the development of the agriculture sector and their services to shareholders was made possible. Certainly, the development of these funds will be a suitable and efficient platform for the development and completion of value chains in the agricultural sector and ensuring food security in the country.

“While appreciating your efforts in year 1400, I pray Almighty Allah for the happiness, health and eternal pride of you and your family.”

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The Memorandum of Understanding was signed between SFIDA and the Deputy Minister of Planning and Economy, Ministry of Agriculture-Jahad.
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The optimal use of capacities, facilities and resources of both parties for synergy in the implementation of agricultural transformation programs with the new approach of the ASIDA is emphasized by the MOU.

MOU states that the level of coverage and the number of funds will be increased through the formation of new Funds at the national and regional levels or the coverage expansion by establishing new Funds in the urban areas of which the government’s share capital will be provided by deputy. Also, the number of shareholders and the capital of the Funds and payment facilities should be developed and the distribution of financial resources of the government agencies should be done more.

The Deputy Minister of Planning and Economy also pledged to: follow up to remove obstacles and facilitate the processes needed to implement the agricultural transformation program with a new approach, support and finance the government’s share in forming and increasing the capital of Funds in order to fulfill the commitments of SFIDA. From all the programs of the SFIDA and following up and supporting the hand over the activities related to the Ministry of Agriculture-Jahad to the Funds, cooperating and supporting the conclusion of contracts with support loops for contract agriculture in the form of value chain and creating an intelligent system to receive performance reports from Fund to support the development of investment in the agricultural sector.

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SFIDA organized a webinar entitled: Structured Trade Finance: Commodity Backed-Finance On December 25, 2021.
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Dr. Yasmin Saadat, retired from IFC, World Bank was the speaker to the CEOs of Funds from the all province of the country and directors of SFIDA.
She briefed about the agricultural Value Chain, Warehouse Receipt Financing (WRF), different warehouse including private, field and public warehouse, enabling legal framework, Structured Trade Finance, IFC’s Global Warehouse Finance Program, Risk mitigation, Transaction Structure and secured structure, Required Capital, Insurance and Financial Performance Guarantee, Security Package and Legal Enforceability, Secured offshore Structure, and etc.
The full presentation file is available with the following link.
For further queries, please do not hesitate to communicate with


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Chair and CEO of SFIDA, Janali Behzadnasab inaugurates the Webinar entitled "Micro-savings and Micro-investment in Agriculture: Experience of My House My Farm" on 4 Dec 2021 and mentioned this specialized meeting is in order to use the experiences of other countries and also to strengthen the international cooperation of most of the funds with overseas organizations related to the agricultural sector.
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“This webinar on investment and development in the agricultural sector, entitled ‘Experiences of the National Program of My Home, My Farm in Bangladesh’, focuses on Micro capital saving and can be an example of specialized meetings that lead to Increase cooperation between international funds and institutions, He added.
Mihir Kanti Majumder, Ph.D., former Chairman, Palli Shanchay Bank (Rural saving Bank), was the key speaker and briefed about the followings:
1. The rich natural resources of Bangladesh which considered as Environment Capital
2. Different type of capitals which poor people are only rich in Social Capital
3. Traditional Family farming which was less productive because of inadequate skills as well as inappropriate technology.
4. Micro-savings concept & its Practice in Bangladesh changed from “saving one fist of rice in earthen pots before cooking of meals daily and keeping coins/currency notes under the mattress” to “Mobile banking, agent banking, School Banking and modern saving”.
5. Hindrance of Micro-savings Practices: Poor people have less income and they can’t save
6. Concept of Amar Bari Amar Khamar (My House My Farm): Promote Micro-savings practices

The power point file is attached here for more information.

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Palm Kernel Cake, Fat Powder and Shortening fat Powder are three products to be used in animal feed.
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A meeting to discuss about the Palm Kernel Cake (PKC) was held on 3 October 2021 at Dairy Products Supportive Fund. Mr. Hisamuddin Md. Aspar, manager for Central Asia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran on behalf of Malaysian Palm Oil Board and Hossein Shahbaz, director of Public Relation and International Cooperation, SFIDA and 5 CEOs of Agriculture Supporting Funds on behalf of SFIDA attended the meeting.

A presentation made by Hisamuddin explained about the benefits of the PKC and mentioned that Malaysia produces almost 2.5 million tones annually and all are exported to different countries such as New Zealand, Vietnam, The Netherlands, Germany, and etc. Studies show that PKC is a good substitution to wheat and rice bran and also some part of the other meals such as Soya and cotton meals. PKC contains less (almost half) protein than Soya Meal but the price is less than 30% and it is available year round. The following table shows the compound of the PKC. It contains more fat which can increase the fat in the milk to increase the price of the milk.

Compounds Percent
Moisture 10-12
Dry materials 90
Fibers 15-13
Ether 3.5-8.5
Ash 5
Digestible Materials 65 – 67
Calcium 0.2
Fat 6-8
Crude protein 14.5-19.5
Metabolic energy in livestock feed 10-11.5 Megajoule/Kg
Metabolic energy in poultry feed 6.5-7.5 Megajoule/Kg

It was supposed to have another meeting to discuss in detail at Livestock Development Fund office.

Finally, Hisamuddin proposed to have a trial PKC use in Animal Feed collaboratively with SFIDA. He was requested to send a proposal to SFIDA to examine it.

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The Minister of Agriculture-Jahad stated: "Protecting the people's food dish and peace in supplying basic goods is our first priority."
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Presently, our first priority which will be discussed at the first meeting of the Council of Deputies, is to examine the main issue in the field of agriculture, namely the provision of basic inputs and goods needed by the people.

The Minister of Agriculture-Jahad stated: “Protecting the people’s food dish and peace in supplying basic goods is our first priority.”

Providing the required foreign currency is very important for us, he added. “This year, when we were suffering from drought, we had shortages to supply fodder and other basic goods, so we are emphasizing providing foreign currency to import them” he mentioned.” We had discussion about it in the morning session and these talks will continue until next week, and we hope to be able to manage the supply, considering the foreign currency availability.

While referring to the farmers who are either preparing for the autumn cultivation or preparing for the next cultivation season, Dr. Sadati Nejad emphasized: “In this regard, two main issues are the ministry’s priority before starting cultivation including determining the guaranteed price, which we will try to address in the Pricing Council to be formed on upcoming Monday, and the second issue is the supply of agricultural inputs such as pesticides, fertilizer and seeds. We do our best so that farmers do not have problems in their autumn cultivation”.

He continued: “One of the other important issues is providing insurance compensation, which has not been paid to farmers for some time, and also the delay in repaying farmers’ instalments, which has been approved due to drought, but has not been implemented and would be addressed in two weeks.”

The Minister of Agriculture-Jahad, stating that we will manage food security by setting up a committee and able to use the pioneers capacities in the ministry to strengthen to monitor the food security criteria, monitoring, supply and control chain. And we will set up oversight in the ministry to minimize various fluctuations.

The Minister pointing out that we in the Ministry of Agriculture Jahad deal with 85 million Iranians, said: The agricultural sector is the most private and popular sector in the Iranian economy, so producers, organizations, unions, cooperatives, sector activists And we expect the existing trade unions to participate in policy-making, management, decision-making and decision-making with the Ministry of Agriculture-Jahad.

He added: “If we are going to supply the market of basic products and goods of the people, we must do it with the help of this sector actors and use their capacities. I believe that a large community of people and jobs in the country belong to this sector”.

We are dealing with a community of over 21 million people in agriculture sector, and these people are the best option to control market fluctuations and regulate the market and marketing so that they can take advantage of their own resources and eliminate intermediaries.

The Minister stated: “Supplying inputs, monitoring the market and marketing are our short-term goals that we will pay attention as our first priority by applying the actors’ capacities to better oversight”.

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said Chair of the Board and CEO of the SFIDA, Dr. J. Behzad Nasab, in a meeting with the Parliament Members of North Khorasan Province on Wednesday, August 4, 2021.
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Chair of the Board and CEO of the SFIDA, Dr. J. Behzad Nasab, in a meeting with the Parliament Members of North Khorasan Province on Wednesday, August 4, 2021 said: Barriers to Agricultural Production, which is on the agenda of the Islamic Consultative Assembly can be used as an opportunity to organize the important issues of the market, the financial and credit system and investment in the agriculture sector. It can improve productivity and remove barriers of production by the farmers’ community.

He added: Funds for Agriculture have many supportive laws for equipping and developing which can be the executive arm to strengthen the country’s food security and remove obstacles to production in the agriculture sector.

Alizadeh Moghadam, member of the board and deputy CEO of SFIDA, referring to some articles of the national program entitled: “Plan to strengthen the country’s food security and remove barriers to production in the agriculture sector,” said: The articles of this plan can be modified to serve the farming community. Addressing  the problems of the financing system in the agricultural sector, he stated: ” To address this problem, funds to support the development of the agricultural sector with the aim of capital formation, expanding  the volume and quality of investment with the share more than 51% owned by producers and 49% owned by the Ministry of Agriculture Jahad were set up”. These funds are a joint stock company and are governed by commercial law.

He told: Currently, 162 funds to support the development of the agricultural sector in the form of provincial, county, women, national, natural and regional funds with a capital of two thousand and 500 billion Tomans have been formed. Also, Abdullah Yousefi, head of the North Khorasan Agriculture Jahad Organization and representative of the SFIDA in the North Khorasan Provincial Fund, explained on the performance of eight County funds and the provincial fund in financing, helping to provide the required inputs and marketing of agricultural products of the province. In the meeting, emphasis was placed on quantitative development, capital increase and realization of capital adequacy of funds to support the development of the agriculture sector and the share of government in funds to support the development of the agriculture sector of the province.



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Chairman and CEO of SFIDA launched the English webpage of SFIDA on 4 August 2021.
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Chairman and CEO of SFIDA along with members of the board, CEOs and representatives of the SFIDA in national and provincial funds attended in a webinar organized by SFIDA on Wednesday, August 13, 2021. “Although there are many good experiences in the world which can be useful  for us, we have also success stories with SFIDA and its affiliated Funds to share with the world. Once it was selected by CIRDAP as a success story of Iran and shared with its 15 member countries” Chairman and CEO of SFIDA said.

He added: “Documenting and creating a special space for introducing the SFIDA in different platforms and websites should be on the agenda.” He mentioned: The English website is one of the platform to present us to the world which can be considered as entrance gate to the world.

Behzad Nasab stated: modeling of the success stories should be done and activities of SFIDA should be presented scientifically and up-to-date to domestic and foreign conferences. Hossein Shahbaz, an international affairs expert of the SFIDA, also spoke about the objectives, programs, process and possible activities in the international arena and added: “It is better for the SFIDA and its affiliated funds to be more familiar with international organizations similar with SFIDA approach operating in Iran and outside and engage in wider activity in this area. He asked the CEO of Funds present at the meeting to send their proposals for further interaction with international organizations and institutions to the international unit of the SFIDA.

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